Change Management and Processes of Small Companies
Journal Title: Revista Romana de Statistica - Year 2012, Vol 60, Issue 4
Change for the better is one of the sustainable features of the modern organization. Therefore, change management expresses the excellence of skills, abilities and skills that can demonstrate a manager. The efficient management of change, organizations thrive and managers who consistently fail to manage change successfully is among managers. Change can occur accidentally or consciously, can generate untold drama or binding process can be full of confidence. Vision and passion, management opportunities, management motivation and providing competitive products and services than the competition are just some of the processes that support change management in small firms. These elements are more obvious management in small firms than in large firms because no hierarchical levels makes the reaction speed in small firms is much higher than in large firms. In the small firms, the change is an everyday component a manifestation of rapid response, primarily related to leadership, while big companies keep changing organizational structures, which means often a delayed reaction and cumbersome. Therefore, the change in small firms is a competitive advantage that must always be maintained.
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