Changes in parameters of function of external respiration in patients with end stage of chronic kidney disease who are on substitution therapy
Journal Title: Медичні перспективи - Year 2018, Vol 23, Issue 3
The aim of our study was to evaluate the changes in the parameters of function of external respiration in patients with end-stage of chronic kidney disease after kidney transplantation in connection with chronic kidney disease under conditions of replacement therapy and compare with the results in patients after kidney transplantation. The first group included 40 patients with end-stage of chronic kidney disease under conditions of replacement dialysis therapy. The second group included 19 patients after kidney transplantation. A significant difference (p˂0,05) was found in patients of the first and second groups between the indicators of the FVC (90 [75-110]% и 98 [91-108]%), FEV1 (79 [71-93]% и 96 [84-104]%), PEF (61 [40-87]% и 82 [64-94]%), MEF 25-75 (52,5 [39-71]% и 80 [66-112]%). The indices of both groups were significantly lower relative to the comparison group: FVC (107,5 [105,5-124]%), FEV1 (100,5 [96-105,5]%), PEF (99,5 [95-102,5]%), MEF 25-75 (98,5 [97,5-101,5]%). In both groups, a statistically significant negative correlation was found between the indicators of the VCmax, FEV1, PEF, MEF 25-75 (R = -0,46, p <0,005; R = -0,43, p<0.05; R = -0,73, p <0,05; R = -0,41, p <0,05). Moderate decrease in the parameters of VCmax, FEV1, PEF, MEF 25-75 in patients with end-stage of chronic kidney disease requires monitoring of FVC with spirometry, especially in conditions of hemodialysis.
Authors and Affiliations
O. V. Kuryata, O. O. Shtepa
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