Changes in protein profile and RNA content of Apis mellifera worker pupa on parasitization with Tropilaelaps clareae
Journal Title: Journal of Applied and Natural Science - Year 2014, Vol 6, Issue 2
Tropilaelaps infestation of Apis mellifera pupa caused reduction in total protein concentration of the infested pupa. This may be due to protein feeding by mite. The additional protein fractions observed by SDS-PAGE and the difference in the nature of free amino acids suggested synthesis of newer proteins perhaps related to the stress response of the host. This opinion is strengthened by the increase in concentration of RNA ( 184.580±36.987 in non-infested pupa and 293.402±50.329 in infested pups) observed in the present study which was responsible for increased transcription of genes encoding antiparasite peptides as reported by other workers.
Authors and Affiliations
Jamuna Negi, Neelima Kumar
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