Changes in temperature during seedling storage in styrofoam multipots kept on shelves in outdoor containers under different cover materials


The aim of this study was to determine changes in temperature found during short-term seedling storage on shelves kept on racks under different cover materials. Analyses assessed the effect of different materials for covering of loading space on interior temperature changes. Collected results were to supply information on the effect of this factor on the quality of seedling material in view of specific conditions produced under the cover. Analyses were conducted under conditions found in the loading space using temperature and humidity sensors by Vaisala. The distribution of sensors at different levels in the loading space and the fact that some of them were coupled with fans enforcing air circulation made temperature measurements possible over a larger space. Results were recorded using a KNE Data Logger, recording the results on the PCMCIA memory card. The device recorded data collected from the measurements taken over any selected period. This facilitated analysis of the effect of a direct impact of external conditions on temperature changes in containers under covering made of different materials. It results from the conducted investigations that air temperature in each measurement site fluctuated. During intensive solar radiation a marked increase in temperature was observed under container covering. It was found that the covering material for the racks has a very big effect on the course of changes in temperature inside the racks

Authors and Affiliations

Damian Mordas, Roman Wojtkowiak, Marian Wiśniewski, Krzysztof Zembrowski


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How To Cite

Damian Mordas, Roman Wojtkowiak, Marian Wiśniewski, Krzysztof Zembrowski (2013). Changes in temperature during seedling storage in styrofoam multipots kept on shelves in outdoor containers under different cover materials. Acta Scientiarum Polonorum Silvarum Colendarum Ratio et Industria Lignaria, 12(2), 23-33.