Journal Title: Fizjoterapia Polska - Year 2008, Vol 8, Issue 2
Via neuromuscular stimulation, vibration training induces changes in the tissues and systems of the human body. Major adaptive responses are seen in muscle tissue. Increased maximal strength, explosive strength and mechanical power of muscles after vibration training, were the basis for using vibration platforms in gymnasiums and spa centres. Numerous studies have also been published which describe changes in the cardiovascular system, endocrine system, bone and soft tissue following vibration training. The results of studies investigating the impact of vibration training on the stability of human body are equivocal. Owing to the vertical position of the body combined with a small base of support, the quiet standing position is easily influenced by destabilising factors. The control of the balance system is based on information originating from receptors in muscles and tendons whose functions are disturbed by vibrations. The complexity of human stability control processes and the lack of systematic methods of vibration training (frequency of vibration, amplitude of duration of training sessions, muscle groups involved) make the effect of mechanical oscillations on human stability an issue that is yet to be fully elucidated and is thus a very interesting research area. This paper contains a review of the literature and research concerning the influence of single vibration sessions as well as long-term vibration on the human body.
Authors and Affiliations
Magdalena Piecha, Piotr Król, Janusz Kubacki, Grzegorz Juras
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