Changing histological pattern of lung malignancy in India
Previously Squamous cell carcinoma was more common in males and in smokers in india but, the incidence of Adenocarcinoma has increased significantly in last 2 decades. Adenocarcinoma is now the most common form of lung cancer in women and in many studies, in men also. The basis of this change is unclear. A possible factor is the increase in female smokers, but this only highlights our lack of knowledge about why a woman develops more adenocarcinomas. One possibility is that changes in cigarette type (Filter tips, lower tar and nicotine) have caused smokers to inhale more deeply and thereby expose more peripheral airways and cells( with a predilection to adenocarcinoma) to carcinogens. In Our Study out of 48 patients with Adenocarcinoma seen in 36 patients (75%) is most common subtype found followed by squamous cell carcinoma in 09 patients (18.75%) followed by Small cell carcinoma 03 patients(6.25%). The reason may be changing smoking pattern and more filtered smoke cigarettes in market and increased in number of female smokers, Adenocarcinoma is most common histological subtype found.
Authors and Affiliations
P N Kadam, Santosh Pawar, S A Deshpande
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