Characteristic of Calcium and Phosphorus Homeostasis and Bone Mineral Density in Children from Ecologically Polluted Regions Before and After Treatmen
Journal Title: Lviv Clinical Bulletin - Year 2015, Vol 1, Issue 9
Introduction. One of the decisive mechanisms of the influence of xenobiotics on a human organism is the disturbance of calcium-phosphorous homeostasis and oxidative metabolism of cells due to the changes in the intracellular flow of calcium (Ca) and phosphorus (P), their replacement on specific receptors, and subsequent activation of calcium-dependent enzymes and hormones. Even in the case of short hypoxia, and during the action of xenobiotics, prolonged tissue hypoxia occurs, homeostasis of such trace elements as Na+, K+, Ca++, P+++, Mg++, Mn+++, Cu++ and Fe++, that correlates with the decrease of the level of intracellular ATP and the activity of most metal enzymes. Aim. To find out the effectiveness of advanced standard treatment of lesions of the bone system in children from ecologically disadvantaged areas (EDAs) based on the study of calcium-phosphorous homeostasis and mineral density of bone tissue. Materials and methods. We investigated 239 children from ecologically polluted regions and 70 children from ecologically clean area. Children’s age is from 3 to 18 years, sex – 48, 0 % boys and 52, 0 % – girls. Level of calcium and phosphorus in the blood and urine in these children before and after the treatment was analyzed by the biochemistry examination. Bone mineral density and bone system degree of changes were measured by ultrasound densitometry. Results. Level of calcium and phosphorus in the blood in observed children from polluted region was reduced. Level of calcium in the urine was increased in the majority of observed children from the radiation polluted region and in children from the chemistry polluted regions. And level of phosphorus in the urine was increased in the majority of observed children from chemistry polluted regions. The level of the bone mineral density in these children was reduced. Indicators of calcium and phosphorus content in blood and urine and bone mineral density in the examined children after a complex, individually selected treatment were normalized. Indicators of bone mineral density of children from all EDAs irrespective of the nature of contamination and ways of getting xenobiotics into the organism, have significantly decreased and are within the age range compared with the indicators of healthy children after the treatment. Conclusions. In the majority of the examined children in radiation and chemically contaminated areas there was a significant hypocalcemia, hypophosphatemia and hypercalciuria, hyperphosphaturia, which managed to be corrected by the proposed treatment.
Authors and Affiliations
N. Kech
Вазоренальна гіпертензія: діаґностика та лікування стенозу ниркової артерії (огляд літератури та опис клінічного випадку)
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