Journal Title: Теорія і практика правознавства - Year 2018, Vol 1, Issue 13
Instrument (tool) democracy in the legislation making process that can be implemented are information disclosure, public participation and complaint mechanism. In general instrument (tool) democracy in the legislation making process has been fulfilled but still in a limited scale, in the form of disclosure (information), public participation, and the complaint mechanism. The most dominaty of the instrument (tool) democracy in the legislation making process is Public Participation; Although the public participation are accommodated, but the problem involvement or participation is still more of a procedural nature and the artificial, yet touched on aspects of fundamental and substantial; In the second process of legislation making process, Public Participation are dominated by a particular group mobilization approach is more power and influence than any form of individual consciousness. Using theoretical models of participation of South Africa, then participation in Indonesia over the model called A Model of Public Participation Realism. According to this model, the participation of actors tend to do and dominated by interest groups and particural organizations. Here there is a tendency to understand the «public» in the context of limited on the grounds that the public as a whole may Numbert be involved in the process of legislation making process. Especially in the context of the formation of Horticulture Act, it is clear how participation is only carried out by groups or organizations exist of group interest organization
Authors and Affiliations
Dodi Jaya Wardana
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