Characteristics of the Epidemiological Situation in Patients with Tuberculosis of Various Age Groups Based on the Numerical Criteria of Selective Rating with the Help of the Computerand Informational Technology

Journal Title: Lviv Clinical Bulletin - Year 2013, Vol 4, Issue 4


Introduction. In many countries of the world, including in Ukraine, the epidemiological situation with tuberculosis in patients is unfavorable and indicates an increase of the main epidemiological indicators (illness, prevalence, mortality, infectivity), as well as the difficulties of its diagnosis, treatment and prevention. An important component of high-quality tuberculosis control at the present stage is a comprehensive monitoring of epidemiological parameters, using not only the generally accepted statistical criteria, but also modern information technologies for the recording and creating a data bank that enables to objectivize individual indicators as fully as possible and to work out the quality programs of anti-tuberculosis care to the population. Aim. To study the epidemiological situation on tuberculosis in the patients of different age groups based on the analysis of digital criteria for the random evaluation of official statistics materials for the period 2000-2009 in Ukraine in general and in the Lviv region. Materials and methods. Owing to the computer and informational technologies a selective assessment of the tuberculosis disease in different age groups was carried out. For this purpose the annual reporting forms provided by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, the results of the proper observations and the data of the bank of information accumulation system MS Excel have been used. The starting positions were formed taking into account the epidemical indexes in Ukraine and Lviv region during the decade (2000–2009), which, taking into consideration different primary characteristics, was divided into two stages. The first stage (2000–2004) was indicating a progressive deterioration of the epidemiological situation on tuberculosis and in the second (2005–2009) a relative stabilization of the disease was stated. The results were processed with the use of the statistical and mathematical functions of the MS Excel, parametric and nonparametric, for the establishing of the correlational relation assessing the dynamics of epidemiological parameters. Results. The dynamical observation of tuberculosis infection among adolescents in Ukraine showed an increase (from 29.2 to 34.9 per 100 thousand adolescents) of this indicator in 2000-2004, followed by a downward trend in 2005-2009 (from 34.9 to 31.2 per 100 thousand teenagers). In Lviv region, the results of the first observation period (2000-2004) showed an unstable fluctuation of this indicator (from 39.1 to 29.8 per 100 thousand adolescents) with a further significant decrease (from 27.2 to 14.2 per 100 thousand adolescents) in the second observation period (2005-2009). In Ukraine, the average rate of tuberculosis in adolescents (31.7 ± 1.9) exceeded this rate in children (9.1 ± 0.7). In adults, it was lower and equaled 96.8 ± 2.2. The average rate of tuberculosis in Lviv region among the adolescents (26.7 ± 9.8) was higher than in children (6.7 ± 0.5) and lower than in adults (72.9 ± 2.3) per 100 thousand population. The prevalence of the tuberculosis among the adolescents in Ukraine for the first time in relation to the adult population was stable, followed by a slight downward trend (from 2.3 to 1.8%) both in 2000-2004, and in 2005-2009 (from 1 , 8 to 1.7%). In Lviv region, the rate of decline in the percentage of tuberculosis among the adolescents was more pronounced (from 2.8 to 1.6%) during the first and (from 1.6 to 0.8%) during the second stage of observation. The incidence of tuberculosis in Ukraine among the adolescents from the centers of tuberculosis infection was 10.3 ± 0.3 per 1000 contacts, which is 2.1 times lower than in children (4.9 ± 0.2) and 1.8 times lower than in adults (4.3 ± 0.1). Сonclusions. The level of the average incidence of tuberculosis in Ukraine significantly exceeded that in Lviv region, regardless of the age of the population. At the same time, the incidence of the morbidity due to the tuberculosis grows in the Lviv region in children, teenagers and adults, which justifies the necessity of the implementation of the preventive and curative actions of a higher quality.

Authors and Affiliations

G. Ilnуtskуy


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  • EP ID EP257991
  • DOI 10.25040/lkv2013.04.017
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How To Cite

G. Ilnуtskуy (2013). Characteristics of the Epidemiological Situation in Patients with Tuberculosis of Various Age Groups Based on the Numerical Criteria of Selective Rating with the Help of the Computerand Informational Technology. Lviv Clinical Bulletin, 4(4), 17-22.