Characterization of families where older adults live in Canambua neighborhood, Malanje, 2022


Introduction: the family constitutes the first social support network that the individual possesses throughout life. Aging is a constant in life, but it acquires relevance in public health due to the demographic changes that it implies, whose complexity is accompanied by the dissimilar psychological,affective and relational characteristics of families, the fulfillment of family functions, ideological differences, educational, generational and gender. Objective: to characterize the families where older adults live in the Canambua neighborhood, in the city of Malanje, in May 2022. Methodological design: an observational, descriptive study was carried out in a population of 118 families from the Canambua neighborhood of the city of Malanje, Angola, during the month of May 2022, selected by simple random sampling, in which 47 people were older than 60 years. Sociodemographic and family classification variables were taken into account. The results were expressed in absolute and percentage values and are shown in tables.  Results:the largest number of older adults were men and the age group from 60 to 69 years. Widowers, those who only had primary education and those who remained active at work predominated. There was supremacy of extended, large and bigenerational families; of transitory family crisis due to the death of a first spouse and of health problems, among the non-transitory. Conclusions: the characteristics of the families where older adults live correspond to the scenario where the study was carried out.

Authors and Affiliations

Jose Fernando Placeres-Hernandez,Fernando Paulo Bunga-Adolfo,Anselmo de Assunçao Manuel-André,André Maquino Camoxe-Afonso,Egas Juliao-Panda,


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Jose Fernando Placeres-Hernandez, Fernando Paulo Bunga-Adolfo, Anselmo de Assunçao Manuel-André, André Maquino Camoxe-Afonso, Egas Juliao-Panda, (2023). Characterization of families where older adults live in Canambua neighborhood, Malanje, 2022. Revista Científica Estudiantil de Ciencias Médicas de Matanzas, 3(2), -.