Charakterystyka diety oraz wzrostu larw bolenia Aspius aspius (L.) w warunkach stawów karpiowych
Journal Title: Roczniki Naukowe Polskiego Związku Wędkarskiego - Year 2009, Vol 22, Issue
The paper presents results of 44 day asp larva rearing from the beginning of endo-exogenous feeding (weight from 2.85 mg (± 0.16) to 3.05 mg (± 0.51)), total length from 8.66 mm (± 0.56) to 9.12 mm (± 0.40) in a carp pond stocked at three densities: 200000, 156000, 50000 ind. per hectare. First feeding was observed when larvae achieved 2.9–3.4 mg body weight. Initially, asp larvae preferred young Copepoda, while Rotatoria were the most dominant food type in the pond. In later stages, to the end of the rearing period, young and adult forms of Copepoda and Cladocera dominated in the larva diet. Insecta were also very important.
Authors and Affiliations
Jerzy Śliwiński
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