Charakterystyka wadowickiego Kościoła w raporcie Służby Bezpieczeństwa z 1960 r.
Journal Title: Wadoviana Przegląd historyczno-kulturalny - Year 2016, Vol 19, Issue 19
In Wadowice, there was a report in the security structures of the Militia. This institution dealt with also other activities such as. Against the Catholic Church and other religious associations. The present “Report” of 1960. shows the comprehensive measures against the clergy and the faithful. In the 18-hundred issues included picture and analysis of the activities of Wadowice political police. It contains the characteristics of the Church in the district Wadowice, the activities of agents, the repression of the local clergy and the then emerging problems. “Report” is prepared synthetically in accordance with the requirements of the arbitrarily imposed pattern.
Authors and Affiliations
Paweł Glugla
Jan Dihm (1937-2016)
O Janie Dihmie (1937 - 2016) najkrócej można powiedzieć – człowiek renesansu. Jak mało kto potrafił niezwykle sprawnie poruszać się w rożnych dziedzinach wiedzy i działalności. Był budowniczym, społecznikiem, politykiem,...
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