Charles Darwin on Religion
Journal Title: Filozoficzne Aspekty Genezy - Year 2011, Vol 8, Issue 0
What did Darwin have to say about religion? What were his religious, or anti-religious, beliefs? Did he believe that his theory of evolution by natural selection was incompatible with belief in a Creator? Was it his revolutionary science that turned him into an agnostic? These questions have a special urgency in 2009, the year that marks the bicentenary of Darwin’s birth and the 150th anniversary of his most celebrated book, [i]On the Origin of Species[/i] (1859). It is important to answer them in a balanced way because Darwin’s authority and example are continually invoked to justify metaphysical and theological claims that go far beyond the details of his evolutionary biology and that of his scientific successors.
Authors and Affiliations
John Brooke
On Knowledge Contamination: New Data Challenges Claims of Darwin’s and Wallace’s Independent Conceptions of Matthew’s Prior-Published Hypothesis
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Mutschler on Physics and Religion
Review of: Hans-Dieter Mutschler, Fizyka i religia. Perspektywy oraz granice dialogu, trans. Józef Bremer, Wydawnictwo WAM, Kraków 2007, pp. 380.
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