Chemistry is an interdisciplinary science and is very important for many other disciplines

Journal Title: CHEMIK nauka-technika-rynek - Year 2010, Vol 64, Issue 5


This paper presents the development and features of contemporary chemistry, its cognitive and civilisation mission. It was noted that after the eras of agriculture, industry, science and technology, the world entered the “Age of Environment” (also informatics), where civilisation is to follow not only the roads of harnessing the nature, but also those of harmonious coexistence with it. This age, therefore, should be a period of implementing the strategy of sustainable development, when sustainable technologies, aimed at overcoming growth barriers (material, energy and environmental barriers), will be introduced. In the case of chemistry, one more barrier has been identified: a psychological barrier – manifested by social aversion to and fear of chemistry. Mention is made of “self-improvement” activities of the chemical sector consisting in initiating and carrying out a number of environmental programmes. The concept of “interdisciplinary chemistry” is discussed along with the role of chemistry in solving global problems of the world. Concluding that chemistry does, in fact, shape the future, the author expresses the opinion that the growth and sunny future of chemistry is in the interest of humankind.

Authors and Affiliations

Marian Taniewski


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How To Cite

Marian Taniewski (2010). Chemistry is an interdisciplinary science and is very important for many other disciplines. CHEMIK nauka-technika-rynek, 64(5), 327-336.