Children: Issues & Challenges


Children are valuable asset of every Country because they are the future citizen of State. It is also the responsibilities of the Government to see that they grow up as responsible citizens. The people of India belief that children are a boon of God and no efforts should be made to oppose successfully his blessings. The economically weaker sections believe that more children they bear the more the helping hands there would be. But they do not realize the fact that there would also be an additional mouth to feed with every additional child, The result is that children lead a life of deprivation and are left to fend for themselves and sometimes even for their families. In the absence of proper childhood and education, they often take to immoral ways to sustain themselves

Authors and Affiliations

Sumanta Kumar Paul


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How To Cite

Sumanta Kumar Paul (2017). Children: Issues & Challenges. International journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, 4(11), 6349-6355.