Children Reception Centers: Main Challenges of the Present Day
Journal Title: Право і безпека - Year 2019, Vol 72, Issue 1
The author of the article has studied the legal grounds for the functioning of children reception centers. While presenting the material the author has reflected the current conditions of minors stay in these institutions of the National Police of Ukraine and has revealed the competence of authorized persons, who work directly with children who enter the reception centers. Special attention has been paid to the fact that a minor being placed in these institutions, must be provided with all due rights and conditions stipulated by the norms of the current national and international legislation. As a result of the conducted analysis, the author has formed such main gaps in the organization of the work of children reception centers as: legal (for example, the imperfection of the norms of the current legislation, which regulates the activity of children reception centers, the lack of procedural norms that would provide the mechanism for the implementation of material norms, etc.); logistical (for example, inadequate equipment of premises for children; violations of food standards; inconsistencies in the conditions for educatees in children reception centers with modern requirements and standards, etc.); organizational (for example, the organization of individual preventive and educational work with children needs to be improved, any manifestations of minors isolation must be mitigated, etc.) and human resources (for example, incomplete assembly of the staff in children reception centers, the lack of psychologists and medical employees, etc.). The author making conclusions, has noted that children reception centers are necessary institutions in the field of administrative and legal protection of children rights, but proper conditions for the stay of minors in such institutions should be formed and guaranteed, not only “in black and white”, but in real conditions of the place and time.
Authors and Affiliations
N. Kolomoiets
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