Children’s Spiritual Lives: The Development of a Children’s Spirituality Measure
Journal Title: Religions - Year 2016, Vol 7, Issue 8
Previous researchers who have studied children’s spirituality have often used narrow measures that do not account for the rich spiritual experiences of children within a multi-faith context. In the current study, we describe the initial stages of development of a children’s spirituality measure, in which items were derived from children’s spiritual narratives. An exploratory factor analysis of the items revealed three main factors, including Comfort (Factor 1), Omnipresence (Factor 2), and Duality (Factor 3). As rated by their parents, children from families that were more spiritual and religious had higher scores on the newly-developed measure. Limitations and future directions are discussed.
Authors and Affiliations
Kelsey Moore, Carlos Gomez-Garibello, Sandra Bosacki and Victoria Talwar
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