Chińska Republika Ludowa wobec napięć i kryzysu w relacjach USA–Rosja
Journal Title: Krakowskie Studia Międzynarodowe - Year 2015, Vol 0, Issue 2
The goal of this paper is to contemplate on Beijing’s approach to the growing US–Russia tensions in the contemporary world. Escalating frictions between these two global powers caused by the outbreak of the Ukraine crisis create a new international environment in which China has much to gain but also much to lose depending on its stance. The Communist Party of China has to consider both internal and external conditions in order to strike the perfect balance in its foreign policy. The interdependence of the contemporary world will make this a difficult feat. This paper will present a brief summary of official Chinese statements from top level government officials along with a selections of official media coverage of the Ukraine crisis with a short analysis. I will also try to cover the growing relations between Russia and the People’s Republic of China in the wake of the US–Russia power struggle. Finally I will attempt to asses if China is the biggest benefactor this new trend in global politics.
Authors and Affiliations
Łukasz Bednarz
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