Choroba kociego pazura – problem diagnostyczny, opis przypadku
Journal Title: Otolaryngologia Polska - Year 2009, Vol 63, Issue 2
Aim of the study: Cat scratch disease as a possible cause of neck limphadenopathy. Material and methods: We present a case of 40-years old men operated in our department on regional unilateral lymphadenopathy. The diagnosis of cat scratch disease was confi rmed by the histopathologic examination. Conclusions: Regional lymphadenopathy with history of contact with cats or other animals suggests the diagnosis of cat scratch disease. If we considered this disease in differential diagnosis it would mean less traumatic treatment for the patient. Cat scratch disease is diagnosed in Poland very rarely; we need to spread the knowledge about this infectious disease.
Authors and Affiliations
Justyna Dąbrowska-Bień, Mirosława Pietniczka-Załęska, Tomasz Rowicki
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