Chrześcijaństwo a kultura afrykańska

Journal Title: Studia Nauk Teologicznych PAN - Year 2010, Vol 5, Issue


The title of the article, formulated by the Editors, requires a few clarifications of terms. Both phenomena – Christianity and the African culture – are de facto plural and have to be regarded and treated as such. The title also juxtaposes a term that describes a religious reality with a cultural one (this also touches on the understanding of the relation between religion and culture). This can only be done on the assumption that “Christianity” means “a culture permeated by the Gospel message”. The author argues that Christians have never presented a unified attitude towards the African culture. As in the Christian antiquity, as in later times (including the present) Christians showed ambivalent attitudes towards the African culture. Some strongly opposed it, some allowed a restricted borrowing, some engaged actively with the African culture. One cannot see these attitudes in terms of development or regress because they have been synchronically present at all times. The attitudes towards African culture also changed at times within the particular strands of Christianity. What was rejected of hardly acceptable at one time becomes the order of the day at other. However, these attitudes have not been synchronized in all Christian churches and communities. After stating the article’s argument and making the terminological reservations, the author substantiate the argument presenting three types of interaction between Christianity and African culture giving examples from different times and regions.

Authors and Affiliations

Stanisław Grodź


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How To Cite

Stanisław Grodź (2010). Chrześcijaństwo a kultura afrykańska. Studia Nauk Teologicznych PAN, 5(), 173-186.