Church of Our Lady of Candles – Temple Annexed?

Journal Title: Kościół i Prawo - Year 2016, Vol 5, Issue 2


Church of Our Lady of Candles was built in the seventeenth century. Until 1946 this temple belonged Lviv Archdiocese of the Latin rite. After independence Ukrainian state and the resumption of the structures of the Roman Catholic Church in Ukraine began efforts to return the church to its rightful historical owner – Lviv archdiocese. However, the city government hostile to the Catholics of Latin – because they have Polish roots – mentioned temple mischievously transferred ownership of the community of the Greek Catholic Church. From the Greek Catholic hierarchy is the good will that the church was returned to the Latin Church in Ukraine. But according to the Ukrainian legislation, the registered community of the faithful it is the decision-maker on this issue, because it is now the legal owner of the church. If could have been expect from a Greek Catholic hierarchy more decisive stance and activities and to exclude political reluctance authorities of Lviv to the Roman Catholic Church, there are possibilities for the legal (even in the absence of state reforms in the lame Ukrainian judicial system) for the triumph of justice – the recognition of property rights of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Lviv to the Church of Our Lady of Candles in Lviv.

Authors and Affiliations

Stanisław Kawa


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  • EP ID EP255414
  • DOI 10.18290/kip.2016.5.2-9
  • Views 85
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How To Cite

Stanisław Kawa (2016). Church of Our Lady of Candles – Temple Annexed?. Kościół i Prawo, 5(2), 167-184.