The article investigates the distinction between the physical and the intentional causality that appeared in the 17th century scholasticism in the course of polemics with the traditional Aristotelian classification of ca...
Ptolemy´s astronomy and the Galileo case: two historical and epistemological considerations
The Galileo case is the most famous example of the encounter betwen science and Faith. The debate was centered, among others, i...
In this paper I pursue an avenue of argument implicit in Patristic thinkers — such as Tertullian and Athanasius — and explicit in the thomistic and scholastic tradition. I argue that there is an ontological unity to the...
Mariano Artigas and the relationship of philosophy to fundamental theology. Evocation and debate
The first point of the paper evoques the autor’s personal relation with Prof. Mariano Artigas. Draw the convergent and div...
EP ID EP165721
DOI 10.12775/SetF.2015.005
Views 88
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How To Cite
Enrique Moros (2015). Ciencia y religión: metodología, historia y perspectivas en Latinoamérica. Scientia et Fides, 3(1),
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After Suárez: Physical and Intentional Causality in the 17th-18th Centuries Scholasticism
The article investigates the distinction between the physical and the intentional causality that appeared in the 17th century scholasticism in the course of polemics with the traditional Aristotelian classification of ca...
La racionalidad del creyente: la propuesta filosófica (y teológica) analítica de Roger Pouivet
Essay review: Roger Pouivet, Épistémologie des croyances religieuses, coll. "Philosophie et théologie", Éditions du Cerf, París, 2013, pp. 242
La astronomía de Ptolomeo y el caso Galileo: dos aportes histórico-epistemológicos
Ptolemy´s astronomy and the Galileo case: two historical and epistemological considerations The Galileo case is the most famous example of the encounter betwen science and Faith. The debate was centered, among others, i...
From the Unity of the World to God. A Teleo-Cosmological Argument for God’s Existence
In this paper I pursue an avenue of argument implicit in Patristic thinkers — such as Tertullian and Athanasius — and explicit in the thomistic and scholastic tradition. I argue that there is an ontological unity to the...
Mariano Artigas y la relación de la filosofía con la teología fundamental. Evocación y debate
Mariano Artigas and the relationship of philosophy to fundamental theology. Evocation and debate The first point of the paper evoques the autor’s personal relation with Prof. Mariano Artigas. Draw the convergent and div...