The article raises the issue of hygienic approach urgency in assessment of safety of combined fungicides used on cereal spiked grain crops for professional contingents. Hygienic research of working conditions of the staf...
The article presents the results of comprehensive rehabilitation of 92 patients with generalized catarrhal gingivitis by creating differentiated programs for prevention and treatment of the disease, depending on the abse...
Узагальнено досвід хірургічного лікування 14 хворих з туберкульозом легень при двобічній локалізації каверн за розробленими нами методиками. Всім хворим на боці більшого ураження (наявність великої каверни, кілька каверн...
The authors present the experience of antiviral treatment of patients with chronic viral hepatitis C (HVHC) within the framework of the State Target Social Program for the Prevention, Diagnosis and Treatment of Viral Hep...
Doctor of medical sciences Yevgenia Mykhailivna Dytyatkovska (to jubilee)
Hygienic estimation of working conditions safety in technologic cycle of application of combined fungicide-protectant, based on tebuconazoleand metalaxyl-M on cereal crops
The article raises the issue of hygienic approach urgency in assessment of safety of combined fungicides used on cereal spiked grain crops for professional contingents. Hygienic research of working conditions of the staf...
Complex treatment of generalized catarrhal gingivitis with precursors of early formation of destructive phenomena in the bone structures of periodontium
The article presents the results of comprehensive rehabilitation of 92 patients with generalized catarrhal gingivitis by creating differentiated programs for prevention and treatment of the disease, depending on the abse...
Этапное коллапсохирургическое лечение больных с двусторонним деструктивным туберкулезом легких
Узагальнено досвід хірургічного лікування 14 хворих з туберкульозом легень при двобічній локалізації каверн за розробленими нами методиками. Всім хворим на боці більшого ураження (наявність великої каверни, кілька каверн...
Problematic issues of the effectiveness of treatment of patients with chronic viral hepatitis C according to the State program and the ways of their solution
The authors present the experience of antiviral treatment of patients with chronic viral hepatitis C (HVHC) within the framework of the State Target Social Program for the Prevention, Diagnosis and Treatment of Viral Hep...