Clinical and laboratory stages of manufacturing an overdenture supported on zirconium telescopic crowns

Journal Title: Prosthodontics - Year 2012, Vol 62, Issue 3


Developments in materials science and use of information technology allowed for introducing CAD/CAM technique into prosthodontics. This technique provides ample opportunities for performing various restorations, using a wide variety of materials. Telescopic crowns may serve here as a good example, so far manufactured traditionally mostly by casting or galvanotechnique, now can be made of zirconium oxide by applying CAD/CAM technique.The aim of this study is to present clinical and laboratory stages of manufacturing an overdenture supported on telescopic crowns made of zirconium oxide with use of CAD/CAM technique.

Authors and Affiliations

Anna Kochanek-Leśniewska, Barbara Ciechowicz, Monika Wojda, Robert Michalik


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How To Cite

Anna Kochanek-Leśniewska, Barbara Ciechowicz, Monika Wojda, Robert Michalik (2012). Clinical and laboratory stages of manufacturing an overdenture supported on zirconium telescopic crowns. Prosthodontics, 62(3), 190-196.