Clinical and Psychosocial profile of chronic abdominal pain in children aged 5 to 12 years in a tertiary centre
Journal Title: Journal of Medical Science And clinical Research - Year 2018, Vol 6, Issue 9
Background: Chronic or recurrent abdominal pain is a primarily functional disorder that affects 10-15% of the school age children. Objective: This study was undertaken to looking to the psycho social factors associated with chronic abdominal pain and to study the prevalence of anxiety and depression in children with chronic abdominal pain. Subjects and Methodology: Children with chronic abdominal pain according to Rome III criteria were subjected to detailed clinical examination and investigations. Children in the case group were divided into organic and non organic. Controls were selected from pain free children. All three groups were subjected to structured psychosocial assessment. Results: Marital disharmony was noted in 26% of children with non organic chronic abdominal pain-non organic. Corporal punishment was reported in 70% of chronic abdominal pain-non organic. History of psychiatric treatment in family, high scores in Spence children anxiety scale total score and child depression rating scale score were significantly associated with non organic pain. Anxiety was reported in 33% of children with chronic abdominal pain and depression was noted in 22% of children with chronic abdominal pain. Conclusion: Chronic abdominal pain is significantly associated with adverse psychosocial factors in relation with family and child. There is an association between anxiety and depressive disorders and chronic abdominal pain in these children. Structured psychosocial assessment would be helpful in these patients. Keywords: Chronic abdominal pain, Psychosocial factors, Anxiety and depression.
Authors and Affiliations
Dr D. Nirmala
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