Clinical Application of Shad Kriya Kala
Journal Title: Indian Journal of Ancient Medicine and Yoga - Year 2019, Vol 12, Issue 3
Shad kriya kala is an Ayurvedic concept which describes the various stages of disease formation. Based on the stages of diseases preventive measures can be applied to overcome the complications. Acharya Sushruta, Madhava and Charaka have described the concept of Shad kriya kala in Mutrakrcchra, Amplapitta, Kasaroga which explains the disturbance of Doshas. Basically Shad Kriya kala is an objective approach of Ayurveda Acharyas helping for the clinical practice. Early diagnosis of diseases helps to cure the diseases in early stages without any complications.
Authors and Affiliations
Saishraddha Biradar
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