Clinical Features and Surgical Results in Harada-Ito Surgery Patients

Journal Title: TÜRK OFTALMOLOJİ DERGİSİ - Year 2018, Vol 48, Issue 5


Symptomatic excyclotorsion is an important clinical problem, especially in acquired superior oblique muscle palsy. Excyclotorsion can disrupt the fusion and cause torsional diplopia. Harada-Ito surgery (HI) is a widely used method for treating excyclotorsions. This method relieves the torsional diplopia by increasing the effect of the incyclotorsion. In this study, we aimed to report the clinical features of patients with torsional diplopia due to acquired trochlear nerve palsy and the results of HI surgery in these patients.

Authors and Affiliations

Önder Ayyıldız, Fatih Mehmet Mutlu, Murat Küçükevcilioğlu, Gökçen Gökçe, Halil İbrahim Altınsoy


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  • EP ID EP407523
  • DOI 10.4274/tjo.31643
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How To Cite

Önder Ayyıldız, Fatih Mehmet Mutlu, Murat Küçükevcilioğlu, Gökçen Gökçe, Halil İbrahim Altınsoy (2018). Clinical Features and Surgical Results in Harada-Ito Surgery Patients. TÜRK OFTALMOLOJİ DERGİSİ, 48(5), 267-273.