Clinical improvement two years after one stage bilateral open reduction of chronic anterior shoulder dislocations with internal fixation of greater tuberosity fractures. Case report

Journal Title: Ortopedia Traumatologia Rehabilitacja - Year 2013, Vol 15, Issue 2


AbstractWe report an unusual case of clinical improvement after 2 years from one stage bilateral open reduction of chronic anterior shoulder dislocations with internal fixation of greater tuberosity fractures. The chronic bilateral anterior shoulder dislocations with greater tuberosity fractures were caused by electric shock. After the injury the patient was hospitalized on a medical ward and the dislocations were not diagnosed. Four weeks later the diagnosis of both anterior shoulders dislocations with greater tuberosity fractures was confirmed by X-ray. The patient was treated with one stage bilateral open reduction of chronic shoulder dislocations with internal fixation of greater tuberosity fractures by means of a deltopectoral approach. The shoulders were kept immobilized for six week, next the patient was rehabilitated. He underwent a thorough first evaluation 1 year after the procedure and second ewaluation after 2 years. He had a very good and comfortable range of motion in both shoulders at a follow-up. The modified Constant score was very good in both shoulders (95 points). To the best of our knowledge, such a case has not yet been described in the literature. Our case proved the chronic anterior bilateral humeral head dislocation may be successfully treated in one stage procedure provided the patient is carefully selected and his consent obtained. Moreover, the clinical improvement may be expected even 2 years after the surgery.

Authors and Affiliations

Grzegorz Kubiak , Jarosław Fabiś


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How To Cite

Grzegorz Kubiak, Jarosław Fabiś (2013). Clinical improvement two years after one stage bilateral open reduction of chronic anterior shoulder dislocations with internal fixation of greater tuberosity fractures. Case report. Ortopedia Traumatologia Rehabilitacja, 15(2), 175-182.