Clinical picture and diagnostics of unilateral neglect syndrome

Journal Title: Rehabilitacja Medyczna - Year 2005, Vol 9, Issue 3


Unilateral neglect syndrome defined as failure to report, respond and orient to novel or meaningful stimuli presented in contralesional side of space is cognitive impairment in neurological patients, important both from diagnostic and therapeutic point of view. It occurs as a consequence of brain damage localized in various cortical and/or subcortical structures, but mainly in parietotemporal areas of the right hemisphere. Neglect syndrome is a heterogeneous cluster of modally specific deficiency signs and often coexists with changes in emotional status and poor self-awareness. According to different criteria of classification, neglect may be perceptual (visual, tactile, auditory) or motor and it may manifest itself in one or in several modalities, and concern personal, peripersonal, extrapersonal, and even imaginal space. Since neglect belongs to cognitive disorders, it cannot be attributed to basic sensory or motor deficits and it should be clearly differentiated from them. Dynamic changes over time are typical of this syndrome, which is commonly seen in the early stages of the disease and in many neglect patients remits completely over a few months. However, in chronic forms, less or more intensive neglect features may disrupt patients’ functioning for a long time and limit efficacy of rehabilitation. There are many different standardised and clinical assessment procedures of hemineglect. Clinical and functional tasks should be analysed along with behavioural observation in natural situations as well as interview data. Differential diagnostics is critical for planning an effective rehabilitation programme.

Authors and Affiliations

Katarzyna E. Polanowska, Joanna B. Seniów


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How To Cite

Katarzyna E. Polanowska, Joanna B. Seniów (2005). Clinical picture and diagnostics of unilateral neglect syndrome. Rehabilitacja Medyczna, 9(3), 3-12.