Clinical Profile and Esophagogastroduodenoscopy Finding in Patients with Acid Peptic Disease at a Tertiary Health Care Centre

Journal Title: MVP Journal of Medical Sciences - Year 2017, Vol 4, Issue 1


Background and Aims: Acid Peptic Diseases (APD) is a common disorder. Population based survey revealed that 44% of the population reported monthly heartburn and 19.8% suffered from heartburn or acid regurgitation at least once a week. An approximate prevalence of 10–20 % was identified for GERD, in the Western world while in Asia this was lower, at less than 5% In this study, we are going to study the clinical features and esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD) findings in patients presenting in our centre in order to come to a precise diagnosis and indentify various risk factors contributing to it. Methods and Methodology: 80 patients (53 males, mean age 44 years) were evaluated in the present study after they satisfy the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Patients were posted for endoscopy and findings were tabulated. Results: This age distribution among the 80 patients subjected to EDG over a period of 2 years with maximum i.e., 28.75% was in the 41-50 age groups. The most common symptom at presentation was epigastric pain seen in 84% of patients (67 cases), followed by retrosternal burning sensation seen in 51% of patients (41 cases) and acid reflux seen in 49% of patients (39 cases). A few of the risk factors for APD were evaluated, 34% of study group consumed alcohol, 22.5% were smokers and 19% tobacco chewers. In patients who smoked (total 18) EGD findings was suggestive of severe disease in most of them (14 cases) cases had evidence of severe disease. The combination of smoking and alcohol consumption showed more severe form of disease. Most common finding in endoscopy in esophagus was erosions in seen in 19% of patients, gastritis in stomach 22% and duodenitis seen in 2.5% of cases. Prevalence of GERD was 21% and peptic ulcers were was found in 7.5% of study population. Conclusion: APD is more common in males. Smoking, alcohol and NSAIDS usage is associated with more severe form of APD.

Authors and Affiliations

J. Krithika, Kailas Mogal


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  • EP ID EP430706
  • DOI 10.18311/mvpjms/2017/v4i1/703
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How To Cite

J. Krithika, Kailas Mogal (2017). Clinical Profile and Esophagogastroduodenoscopy Finding in Patients with Acid Peptic Disease at a Tertiary Health Care Centre. MVP Journal of Medical Sciences, 4(1), 1-7.