Clinical Profile Of Amblyopia In A Tertiary Health Care Centre In Central India
Journal Title: IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS) - Year 2018, Vol 17, Issue 3
Introduction: Amblyopia is major cause of blindness in world. It is functional reduction in visual acuity of an eye during critical period of visual development. Most sensitive period for development of amblyopia is from 6 weeks after birth till 6 months although visual maturation continues till 6-7 years of age. This study was conducted with Aim and Objective: to diagnose refractive, anisometric and mixed astigmatism in patients of 5-15 years attending ophthalmic OPD in a period of two years. To analyse these patients age, sex, type of refractive error, type of squint, type of fixation pattern and classify them etiologically. To study effectiveness of different amblyopia treatments in this age group. Methodology: Patients were selected in the age group of 5-15 years of age and assessed for amblyopia which included a detailed history, visual acuity, retinoscopy, ocular movements and alignment, slit lamp examination, fundus examination. Patients were given amblyopia treatment and assessed for improvement. Results: In 60 amblyopic patients, maximum patients were of age group between 5-7 years. There were more females as compared to males. Amblyopia were predominant among anisometropic participants with maximum of refractive error difference between 2-4 D. Amongst them maximum amblyopes were having hypermetropia with astigmatism (32.5%) in the strabismic type esotropia was more common. Patients showing more than 2 Snellen’s line improvements after patching for 2 hours were 48 (80%) and 6 hours patching group patients were 12 (20%). After part time patching maximum improvement in BCVA (best corrected visual acuity) was seen in anisometropes (p<0.0001) followed by strabismic (p-0.025) and least with mixed (p=0.026) amblyopes. Conclusion: Amblyopia is treatable if detected earlier. Lack of community or preschool vision screening was the main cause for late pick up of amblyopic children for timely management and hence significant visual impairment associated with the condition.
Authors and Affiliations
Dr. Sachin Daigavane1, Dr. Piyush Madan2
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