Clinical profile of ante partum hemorrhage cases at a Tertiary care hospital
Journal Title: International Journal of Clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecology - Year 2018, Vol 2, Issue 4
The etiology of placenta praevia remains obscure to a great extent. It results from the implantation of the fertilized ovum low in the uterine cavity. Two forms of implantation have been described. The primary isthmal, which is rare, the secondary isthmal implantation in which the placenta in its development comes to extend into the isthmus and is more frequent. Total number of cases with placenta praevia were 162 giving the incidence of placenta praevia 1.40% (n=11,549). placenta praevia contributed 50.15% of cases i.e., 162 cases of 323.Total number of cases with placental abruption were 133 giving the incidence of placental abruption 1.15%.Analysing contribution of placental abruption towards total of APH (n=323) placental abruption has contributed 41.17%.Thus of two condition placenta praevia was more compared to placental abruption
Authors and Affiliations
Dr. Bhojaraja MH, Dr. Charishma S
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