Clinical Significance of Presence of Extensor Indicis Brevis Manus – A Case Report

Journal Title: Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research - Year 2017, Vol 11, Issue 11


Anatomical variations of additional muscles and tendons are commonly encountered in extensor aspect of forearm and hand during surgeries and dissections. There are reports on different kinds of variations like, extra tendons, additional bellies, and abnormal attachments of the muscle. Surgeons should have the knowledge about these variations for muscle or tendon grafting and also to plan surgeries. While dissecting the extensor compartment forearm and dorsum of hand of an elderly female cadaver, an anomalous muscle belly was noticed on dorsum of hand bilaterally alongwith the main tendon of extensor indicis muscle. This additional belly of extensor indicis muscle was called Extensor Indicis Brevis Manus (EIBM). This muscle originated from the dorsal carpal ligament and joined the main tendon of extensor indicis muscle in both the hands. Awareness of existence of this kind of variation is important for clinicians and surgeons for a correct diagnosis and eventual surgery in patients presenting with a cyst on the dorsum of hand, to avoid accidental mishaps

Authors and Affiliations

N Esakkiammal, Renu Chauha, Rakhee Sharma


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  • EP ID EP365944
  • DOI 10.7860/JCDR/2017/30582.10876
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How To Cite

N Esakkiammal, Renu Chauha, Rakhee Sharma (2017). Clinical Significance of Presence of Extensor Indicis Brevis Manus – A Case Report. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research, 11(11), 5-6.