Clinical signs in diagnostic of circovirus infection in pigs
Journal Title: Науковий вісник Львівського національного університету ветеринарної медицини та біотехнологій імені С.З. Гжицького - Year 2016, Vol 18, Issue 71
Clinical signs the disease associated with porcine circovirus (PCVAD) imitate many other diseases (classical swine fever, trans-missible gastroenteritis, porcine parvovirus, pseudo rabies (Aujeszky’s disease), leptospirosis et al.), which complicates diagnosis of the disease in the early stages of infection among livestock. Late diagnosis, lack of treatment and high price vaccines contribute to the formation of stationary fire PCVD. Therefore, the preliminary diagnosis based on clinical signs and pathological changes in animals suffering from PCV2, is the primary in fight PCVD. According the notification of clinical and pathological signs PCVD we examined the number of pigs on the farm that specializes in young animals received and fattening. Farms specialists concerned about the low increase of body weight, but they did not think of circovirus infection of pigs. We divided all pigs in to three groups. The first group – adult sows, the second group – pigs 0 – 28 days old, the third group – pigs between 35 – 180 days old. All animals were clinically examined. Animals of the first group did not have clinical signs specific to PCVD. Animals of the second group were characterized with heterogeneity of group, weight of piglets at birth ranged from 0.9 to 1.3 kg. Animals were behind in growth, development, mortality ranged from 10%. Diarrhea and cough were not detected. The third group of animals was characterized with strong heterogeneity of herds and low growth. Testing revealed a lag in growth and development, depression, palemucous membranes, increasing the inguinal, submaxillary, retropharyngeal lymphnodes. Autopsy revealed: fibrinous pleuropneumonia, myocarditis, filling with blood of spleen and liver, enlarged kidneys, increased all the lymph nodes, especially in guinal and ripples. Signs of generalized staph infection were recorded with one pig. Using PCR analysis confirmed PCV2.
Authors and Affiliations
O. Novitska
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