Clinical Study and Management of Peptic Ulcer Perforation in a Tertiary Care Centre

Journal Title: Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences - Year 2018, Vol 6, Issue 12


Abstract: Peptic ulcer disease is a medical disease managed mainly by medical treatment including H2 blockers, proton pump inhibitors and antibiotics. With advent of medical therapy and eradication of Helicobacter pylori, the complications have reduced. But perforation of peptic ulcer, a surgical emergency, is still frequently occurring. This is a cross sectional study of patients who were diagnosed, managed and operated for perforated peptic ulcer at Sardar Patel Medical College and Hospital, Bikaner, Rajasthan, from January to August 2018. Data were analysed using a questionnaire proforma, including patient’s demographic details, associated premorbid illness, risk factors, site and size of perforation, type of surgical procedure, postoperative complications and mortality. In our study of 58 cases, patients between ages of 30-50 years (44.82%) were commonly affected and there was male predominance (94.82%). Smoking, alcohol consumption and NSAIDs were major risk factors. The significantly related complications were due to co-morbid illness, age and delayed presentation for treatment. On laparotomy gastric perforation was seen in 60.34% cases. 91.37% cases were managed by Graham’s omentopexy at laparotomy. Perforated peptic ulcer (PPU) is always a surgical emergency, predominantly affecting middle aged male, may be because of dietary habits (very spicy food) and other risk factors. Surgical intervention is always warranted. Simple closure with omental patch is the standard procedure, followed by medical treatment.

Authors and Affiliations

Anoop Singh Khod, Bhal Singh


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How To Cite

Anoop Singh Khod, Bhal Singh (2018). Clinical Study and Management of Peptic Ulcer Perforation in a Tertiary Care Centre. Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences, 6(12), 5044-5050.