Clinical study of B-scan USG in posterior segment disorders of the eye
Journal Title: Indian Journal of Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology - Year 2018, Vol 4, Issue 1
Aims and Objectives To assess the diagnostic value of B Scan ultrasonography in evaluation of posterior segment disorders of eye and correlate the results with clinical diagnosisMaterial and Methods A descriptive crosssectional study of ultrasound Bscan was performed on 170 eligible eyes of 136 patientsResults Maximum 72 5294 cases belong to 5170 age group 86136 6324 were males and 50136 3677 were females 148 8705 cases presented with opaque media and 221294 with clear media 52 3059 patients had a history of trauma and 34 25 subjects presented for issue of blindness certificate Most common final diagnosis was retinal detachment in 42 2470 eyes posterior vitreous detachment in 35 206 eyes vitreous haemorrhage in 32 1882 eyes globe tear in 8 470 eyes dislocated lens in vitreous in 8 470 eyes asteroid hyalosis in 8 470 eyes phthisis bulbi in 7 411 eyes dislocated PCIOL in 6 352 endophthalmitis in 5 294 eyes sp scleral buckling in 5 294 retinoblastoma in 4 235 eyes persistent hyperplastic primary vitreous in 3 176 eyes retinochoroidal coloboma in 2 117 eyes silicon oil vitreous in 2 117 eyes and 1 058 eye each with metallic intraocular foreign body with endophthalmitis with occult scleral perforation choroidal detachment and optic disc drusenConclusions Ultrasound confirmed the provisional diagnosis in 50 eyes 2941 and supplemented or subclassified the diagnosis in 119 eyes 70 Depending upon the clinical findings and Bscan these patients were either intervened surgically or a more complete diagnosis could be documented after BscanKeywords Posterior vitreous detachment Retinal detachment Ultrasound Vitreous haemorrhage
Authors and Affiliations
Asma Ayub Ansari, Veerendra B. Atnoor, Sameer J. Sayyad
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