Clinical Study of Dengue Fever in Jalandhar, North India
Journal Title: Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences - Year 2016, Vol 4, Issue 11
Abstract: Dengue fever, a vector borne viral disease has emerged as a major public health problem of international concern because of its severe manifestations such as dengue haemorrhagic fever and dengue shock syndrome. The objective of thisstudy is to find the clinical profile of Dengue patients treated in a tertiary care hospital in the district Jalandhar of North India. It isa hospital based observational study wherein all the serologically confirmed dengue fever patients during the period of June 2015 to December 2015 were evaluated for demographic data, clinical presentation and laboratory findings and follow up was done to assess outcome in terms of recovery or death. Out of total 376dengue cases, 206 (54.8%) were male and 170 (45.2%) female. 74.7% patients were urban and 25.3% rural, statistically significant (p <0.001). Predominant age group affected was 16 – 30 years and majority of the patients occurred during monsoon and post-monsoon period. Most common presenting symptom was fever (81.2%), followed by myalgia (59.3%), red eyes (54.2%), headache (48.9%) and retro-orbital pain (46.3%). 71.3% patients tested NS1Ag positive. Mean platelet count was 26.5 x 103/µL and in 17% patients, it was below 10 x 103/µL. 21.8 % patients received platelets transfusion. 1.8% patients died of dengue shock syndrome. Dengue causes mortality and morbidity mainly among productive age group. Early diagnosis and treatment, vector control measures should be strengthened and community awareness should be increased, during pre-monsoon period. The patients of dengue fever should visit physician early to prevent complications. Keywords:Dengue, Clinical profile, IgM, IgG
Authors and Affiliations
Amarjit Singh Vij, Harshdeep Joshi, Harinder Singh, Shashi Chopra, Shivya . , KamaljeetKaur Vij, Saranpreet Kaur, Nehreet Kaur, Amanpreet Kaur, Swaijit Singh
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