Clinicopathologic correlation of skin biopsies in pediatric patients who consulted to dermatology outpatient clinic of a university hospital
Journal Title: Dicle Tıp Dergisi - Year 2014, Vol 41, Issue 3
Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the clinicopathologic correlation of skin biopsies in pediatric patients who consulted to Dicle University Medicine Faculty Hospital Department of Dermatology. Methods: 15337 patients under 16 years old who consulted to Dermatology polyclinic of Dicle University Hospital between January 2008- December 2013 were included in the study. The files of these patients were retrospectively reviewed and performed skin biopsies in 121 patients for diagnosis was detected. The data obtained from these 68 patients were evaluated. The obtained results were evaluated according to preliminary diagnosis and diagnosis correlation. Correlation was considered positive if there is an overlap between clinician’s preliminary diagnosis and diagnosis. Results: 39 patients (57.3%) were female and 29 patients (42.7%) were male. There was a correlation between preliminary diagnosis and pathological diagnosis in 57 patients (83.8%). First preliminary diagnosis and pathology correlation was positive in 42 (61.7%) patients, positive in 8 (11.7%) patients for second preliminary diagnosis and was positive in 4 (5.8%) patients for third diagnosis. Biopsy did not provide a contribution in 10 (14.7%) patients for diagnosis. 1 (1.47%) patient had a diagnosis with outside of the preliminary diagnosis. Conclusion: Skin biopsy is a diagnostic technique, which is used to promote and strengthen the hands of clinicians in childhood as well as in adulthood patients particularly in patients with atypical clinical forms. However, it is seen that the way of using this diagnostic technique more efficiently is sharing better information by clinicians and if needed to support visual materials with the pathologist. Key words: Dermatopathology, pediatric patient, clinicopathological correlation
Authors and Affiliations
Haydar Uçak, Derya Uçmak, Zeynep Akkurt, Bilal Sula, Gül Türkçü, Mustafa Arıca
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