Clonal relation of nasal MRSA carrier status among hospital personnel,hospitalized patients and community

Journal Title: Journal of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases - Year 2013, Vol 3, Issue 2


Objectives: Nasal colonization of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) among the healthcare workers (HCWs), hospitalized patients, and healthy individuals was investigated by pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) for defining of clonally distribution of them. Methods: Totally 403 healthcare personnel, 744 patients, and 204 healthy individuals from the population were enrolled. Microbiological procedures were performed in the Bacteriological Laboratory at the Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases Department of Firat University, and PFGE procedures were performed in the Microbiology Department of Inonu University. Results: Staphylococcus aureus was isolated in 296 (21.9%) of 1351 nasal swabs, and 69 out of 296 (23.3%) were defined as MRSA. Nasal S. aureus carrier state was identical between the patients and HCWs carrier state (p=0.14). It was significantly lower in healthy subjects than the other groups (p=0.02). Seventeen (25.8%) of 66 MRSA strains were defined to be in the cluster. These strains were in 7 different clusters. Among the typed strains, 21 had close relationship, 2 had possible relationship, and 26 had no relation. PFGE pattern was defined in 33 (50%) out of 66 strains and it was inconclusive in 3 strains. Conclusions: MRSA strains can be transferred commonly in the same hospital, among the hospitals located in the same region and the population. The results might be the indicators of increasing frequencies in population based MRSA infections. Multi-center studies are required to define clonally distribution of MRSA and the explanation of epidemiology may be helpful for preventing and controlling of MRSA related infections. J Microbiol Infect Dis 2013; 3(2): 49-55 Key words: MRSA, nasal carrier, PFGE.

Authors and Affiliations

Mehmet Cabalak, Ahmet Kalkan, Nuran Inci, Kutbettin Demirdag


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  • EP ID EP87734
  • DOI 10.5799/ahinjs.02.2013.02.0080
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How To Cite

Mehmet Cabalak, Ahmet Kalkan, Nuran Inci, Kutbettin Demirdag (2013). Clonal relation of nasal MRSA carrier status among hospital personnel,hospitalized patients and community. Journal of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, 3(2), 49-55.