Cloning of sequence of homologous crt-cluster in Streptomyces globisporus 1912-бп
Journal Title: Фактори експериментальної еволюції організмів - Year 2018, Vol 22, Issue
Aim. The aim was to set influence to the additional homologous crt-cluster on carotenogenesis of cells of streptomycete recipient. Methods. For this purpose transformation by the hybrid plasmid pWC 9,6 was conducted. This plasmid contained the fragment of the crt-cluster sequence (9576 bp) of Crt+-mutant S. globisporus Crt4 in a Crt--recipient S. globisporus 1912-бп. To construct this hybrid plasmid, a fragment of PLR-copies of sequence of the crt-cluster of mutant S. globisporus 1912 Crt4 was cloned in the shuttle vector pWHM4 (6.6 kb). Insertion was done into unique restriction sites for endonucleases XbaI and HindIII in a polylinker of this vector. These endonucleases have not restriction sites into the crt-cluster sequence. Results. The plasmid pWC 9,6 (16.2 kb) that contains the crt-cluster sequence (9576 bp) of the Crt+-variant Crt4 of the strain S. globisporus 1912 was constructed. The plasmid successfully functions in the cells of both recipients (E. coli XL1 Blue and S. globisporus 1912-бп). It provides to them resistance to the corresponding antibiotics. The plasmid pWC 9,6 stably keeps its molecular size (16.2 kb). However, indisputable proofs of expression of the crt-clusters in transformants were not got. Conclusions. The plasmid pWC 9,6, that is able to transform and stably function in the cells of both recipient microorganisms (Streptomyces and E. coli) was constructed. Keywords: crt-cluster, shuttle vector, cloning, resistance, PCR.
Authors and Affiliations
В. В. Лук'янчук, Л. В. Поліщук
Вибрані тези доповідей на XIII Міжнародній науковій конференції «Фактори експериментальної еволюції організмів» (17–21 вересня 2018 р., Яремче, Україна)
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