Cmentarzysko ludności kultury jastorfskiej w Marianowie, pow. stargardzki, stan. 1; The Jastorf culture cemetery at Marianowo, Stargard district, site 1

Journal Title: Materiały Zachodniopomorskie - Year 2018, Vol 0, Issue


Materials from the cemetery at Marianowo, Stargard district, site 1 include 55 features, 11 pottery groups and more than 30 metal artefacts. They have typical qualities of the earliest phase of the Jastorf culture in Western Pomerania. The influence of the Lusatian and Pomeranian cultures is very strong in burial and in a typology of artefacts. The cemetery was the basis for distinguishing the Marianowo phase.

Authors and Affiliations

Bartłomiej Rogalski


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How To Cite

Bartłomiej Rogalski (2018). Cmentarzysko ludności kultury jastorfskiej w Marianowie, pow. stargardzki, stan. 1; The Jastorf culture cemetery at Marianowo, Stargard district, site 1. Materiały Zachodniopomorskie, 0(), 13-95.