Despite numerous studies concerning ancient translations of the whole Bible or its individual books, we still do not have full knowledge of the relationships between them. One of the Biblical books which until now has no...
Literary texts show and introduce people to some useful truths and mes-
sages, moral guidelines and warnings, tips concerning the progress, ideals and
guiding lights, instructions and models of the decent life. They also...
The article presents an outcome of the analysis of Jesus’ first Passion and Resurrection prediction. After establishing the text and the context of Lk. 9:22, it focuses on the authenticity and historicity of the Lucan pa...
The history is not a simple coincidence of subsequent events, but their
logical sequence oriented on a precisely defined goal. Only in this context we
can speak about the history as “history of salvation”. This can be sh...
EP ID EP195873
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Andrzej Czaja (2016). Co Duch Święty mówi dzisiaj do Kościoła w Polsce?. Wrocławski Przegląd Teologiczny, 0(2),
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O trzech edycjach Księgi Tobiasza z pierwszej połowy XVI wieku
Despite numerous studies concerning ancient translations of the whole Bible or its individual books, we still do not have full knowledge of the relationships between them. One of the Biblical books which until now has no...
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Literary texts show and introduce people to some useful truths and mes- sages, moral guidelines and warnings, tips concerning the progress, ideals and guiding lights, instructions and models of the decent life. They also...
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The article presents an outcome of the analysis of Jesus’ first Passion and Resurrection prediction. After establishing the text and the context of Lk. 9:22, it focuses on the authenticity and historicity of the Lucan pa...
Nowe życie w Chrystusie – w perspektywie historycznej
The history is not a simple coincidence of subsequent events, but their logical sequence oriented on a precisely defined goal. Only in this context we can speak about the history as “history of salvation”. This can be sh...