This article is a result of the research conducted amongst Polish journalists from April to June 2018. The intention of the author was to check how Polish journalists perceived the values, ethics and proficiency describe...
A stranger in Brazil, where she found home for 15 years, Bishop is known for her attentive depictions of landscapes, objects and animals. The article looks at the presences of others in her writing and postulates the pos...
Michał Gulik, Samuel Nowak (2014). CO NAM ZOSTAŁO PO STUDIACH KULTUROWYCH? Teoria zaangażowana wobec materializmu i posthumanizmu. Kultura Popularna, 1(39),
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Kompetencje medialne pracowników w dobie social media
Dziennikarze polscy wobec teorii społecznej odpowiedzialności prasy (badanie ilościowe)
This article is a result of the research conducted amongst Polish journalists from April to June 2018. The intention of the author was to check how Polish journalists perceived the values, ethics and proficiency describe...
Other Presences: Elizabeth Bishop's Poetics of Hospitality
A stranger in Brazil, where she found home for 15 years, Bishop is known for her attentive depictions of landscapes, objects and animals. The article looks at the presences of others in her writing and postulates the pos...
Homely Spaces / Przestrzenie domowości
Homely Spaces / Przestrzenie domowości<br/><br/>
Abstrakty do numeru: Kultura Popularna nr 4 (50) / 2016, Kompetencje medialne II
Kompetencje medialne II<br/><br/>