Co władca powinien wiedzieć o władaniu – według egipskich mędrców i Niccolò Machiavellego
Journal Title: Civitas. Studia z Filozofii Polityki - Year 2017, Vol 21, Issue 21
The paper studies the thought of Ancient Egypt in the context of Niccolò Machiavelli’s work entitled The Prince, which has not yet been examined in the context of political philosophy. The author outlines many similarities between the texts and their authors’ honest and substantive approach to the subject discussed. It seems that through the realistic presentation of selected aspects of power, these works are practical guides for the authorities rather than only postulates regarding the functioning of the state and the ruler. At the same time, the author of the article seeks to stress the value of these works which express the political thought of their time and contain some universal observations.
Authors and Affiliations
Paweł Karpiński
Tradycja po katastrofie. Awangardowy konserwatyzm Pawła Rojka
Recenzja książki Paweł Rojek, Awangardowy konser- watyzm. Idea polska w późnej nowo- czesności, Ośrodek Myśli Politycznej, Kraków 2016, ss. 221.
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