Combined effect of plant growth regulators based on pyridine n-oxide derivatives and some pesticides of different chemical groups


The aim of this work was to determine the character and type of combined action of plant growth regulators —Ivin and Poteytin with pesticides of different chemical groups. Methods. Toxicological —acute toxicity (LD50), clinical signs, the type of combined action. Results. The study combined effect plant growth regulators — Ivin (2,6-dimethyl pyridine N-oxide) and Poteytin (complex of 2,6-dimethyl pyridine N-oxide with succinic acid) with some pesticides in izotoxic doses corresponding 1 LD50 or 1/2 LD50 (in 1:1) showed that both plant growth regulators reduce acute oral toxicity of pesticides and severity of clinical signs of toxicity in rats. The character of the intoxication in rats under the combined effect was due to the influence of the individual pesticide. For the combined action of most investigated pesticides with Ivin is characteristic antagonism, but for Ivin with lambda-cyhalothrin — potentiation of toxicity. For Poteytin combinations with studied pesticides also preferred antagonism, with exception for Poteytin with lambda-cyhalothrin or flutriafol —potentiation of toxicity and with imidacloprid or cypermethrin —summation of toxicity. Conclusions. Plant growth regulators Ivin and Poteytin in most cases reduce the toxicity of studied pesticides and severity of clinical signs of intoxication. Antagonism was establish for the combined action of Ivin with 2,4-D-2-ethylhexyl, tebukonazole, difenoconazole, flutriafol, cypermethrin, thiamethoxam, chlorpyrifos, imidacloprid and potentiation of toxicity for the combined action Ivin with lambda-cyhalothrin. Also, antagonism was found at the combined action of Poteytin with 2,4-D-2-ethylhexyl, tebukonazole, difenoconazole, thiamethoxam and chlorpyrifos, summation — for Poteytin with imidacloprid and cypermethrin, and potentiation of toxicity — for Poteytin with flutriafol and lambda-cyhalothrin.

Authors and Affiliations

O. P. Vasetska


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How To Cite

O. P. Vasetska (2017). Combined effect of plant growth regulators based on pyridine n-oxide derivatives and some pesticides of different chemical groups. Український журнал сучасних проблем токсикології, 79(3), 26-33.