Commentary on the Judgement of the Court of Appeal in Krakow of 12 May 2015 (File No. I ACa 204/15)

Journal Title: Białostockie Studia Prawnicze - Year 2017, Vol 0, Issue 22


Th esis: Th e right to plan a family and the ensuing right to legal termination of pregnancy under conditions specifi ed in Art. 4a of the Act of 1993 on Planning Family, Human Foetus Protection and Conditions of Pregnancy Termination is a personal interest.

Authors and Affiliations

Jan Leon Kolada Kolada


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  • EP ID EP337515
  • DOI 10.15290/bsp.2017.22.02.12
  • Views 50
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How To Cite

Jan Leon Kolada Kolada (2017). Commentary on the Judgement of the Court of Appeal in Krakow of 12 May 2015 (File No. I ACa 204/15). Białostockie Studia Prawnicze, 0(22), 173-182.