Common customs control border between Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova
Journal Title: Lex portus - Year 2018, Vol 10, Issue 2
The article is devoted to the study of joint customs control between Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova, as well as key aspects of the process of establishing a common customs control on the border between Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova, its legal regulation. The role of the European Union Border Assistance Mission to Moldova and Ukraine (EUBAM) is noted. Special attention is paid to the fact that integrated border management, especially on the border of Ukraine and Moldova, is a positive step in the development of customs relations between two countries, promotes better interaction between controlling bodies of Ukraine and the adjacent country, and also minimizes the possibility of moving goods in violation of customs rules and corruption risk, from the part of controlling governmental workers. Author stated that the implementation of joint customs control in the form of integrated border management, especially on the border of Ukraine and Moldova, in the uncontrolled territory of Moldova, is a positive step in the development of customs relations between the two countries, which enables to accelerate the process of crossing the state border by accelerating the customs and border control, as employees of the customs and border agencies of Ukraine and the adjacent state are territorially in one place. In addition, it contributes to improving the interaction between the controlling bodies of Ukraine and the adjacent country, as well as minimizes the possibility of movement of goods in violation of customs rules and corruption risks from officials of the controlling bodies.
Authors and Affiliations
Светлана Раздорожная, Svetlana Razdorojnaia, Світлана Раздорожна
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