Communication of the Right and Christian Religion. How to Realize Rights and Freedom Humans and Citizens?

Journal Title: TEKA Komisji Prawniczej Oddział PAN w Lublinie - Year 2018, Vol 0, Issue 2


In the article, we note that the relationship between the Church and the state, in view of the fact that both institutions are complex and determined by many officials, are not always subjected to a description of a straightforward structure. And the state, whose mission is to organize the relations between the members of society, and the creation of the optimal conditions for the ontological development of each of them, and the church, which is designed to try and encourage this transcendental-axiological component of the structure of the human person, depend on the constellation historical development of mankind. Various experiments on their interactions during human history have shown that the most optimistic about their interrelations can be only cooperation.

Authors and Affiliations

Vyacheslav Blikhar


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How To Cite

Vyacheslav Blikhar (2018). Communication of the Right and Christian Religion. How to Realize Rights and Freedom Humans and Citizens?. TEKA Komisji Prawniczej Oddział PAN w Lublinie, 0(2), 29-37.