Community Health Nursing

Journal Title: Journal of Nursing Today - Year 2016, Vol 1, Issue 1


The Millennium Development Goals were framed to address the world's major development challenges with health and its related areas as the prime focus. In India, considerable progress has been made in the field of basic universal education, gender equality in education, and global economic growth. However there is slow progress in the improvement of health indicators related to mortality, morbidity, and various environmental factors contributing to poor health conditions. Peripheral Health Workers, who provide essential access to inexpensive, basic, life-saving health care. Peripheral Health workers deliver low-cost and life-saving interventions. They can contribute greatly to the achievement of Millennium Development Goals 4, 5 and 6, Present study focused on to Assess the Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme on Knowledge and Attitude Regarding Selected Millennium Development Goals among Peripheral Health Workers working In Selected PHCs of Gujarat State with Objective 1) To assess the knowledge of peripheral health workers regarding selected millennium development goals before administering structured teaching programme. 2) To assess the attitude of peripheral health workers regarding selected millennium development goals before administering structured teaching programme. 3) To evaluate the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on knowledge and attitude regarding selected millennium development goals among peripheral health workers .4) To find the correlation between post test knowledge score and post test attitude score regarding selected millennium development goals among peripheral health workers. Methods: An evaluative research approach with Quasi-experimental design was used and the study was conducted at selected P.H.Cs of Gujarat state. The sample comprised of 40.Sample was selected by using Simple Random sampling technique. Data was collected by using Structured Knowledge Questionnaire and Likert’s Attitude Scale. Data was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Results: The mean pre-test knowledge score was 8.025 while mean post-test knowledge score was 28.78 with the difference of 20.75. The mean pre-test attitude score was 56.9 while mean post-test knowledge score was 97.63 with the mean difference of 40.73. Majority 39(97.5%) had poor knowledge, 1 (2.5%) had average knowledge in pre-test. Whereas in the post-test 100% of the subjects has attained very good knowledge. All 40 (100%) had unfavorable attitude in pre-test. Whereas in the post-test 40 (100%) of the subjects developed favorable attitude. Interpretation and conclusion: There was a significant increase in the knowledge and attitude of the Peripheral Health Workers after the administration of the STP on Selected MDGs. Hence it is concluded that Structured Teaching Programme was effective in increase knowledge and attitude of the Peripheral Health Workers working in Selected P.H.C s of Gujarat State

Authors and Affiliations

Ekta Patel


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How To Cite

Ekta Patel (2016). Community Health Nursing. Journal of Nursing Today, 1(1), 1-17.