Comparasion of computerized visual field and optical coherence tomography in diagnosis and follow-up of primary open-angle glaucoma

Journal Title: Dicle Tıp Dergisi - Year 2016, Vol 43, Issue 3


Objective: To evaluate the relationship between visual field in­dices and optical coherence tomography measurements in pri­mary open-angle glaucoma (POAG) patients and to investigate the role of early detection of glaucomatous progression. Methods: 84 eyes of 72 patients who diagnosed with POAG that controlled with medical treatment at Dicle University Faculty of Medicine, Unit of Ophthalmology Glaucoma follow-up between January 2007 and June 2012 included to the study. Glaucoma staging was done according to the value of visual field (VF) MD. Patients MD value ≥ -6dB (early-stage glaucoma) patients in­cluded in Group 1, MD value between -6dB and -12dB (middle-stage glaucoma) in Group 2 and MD value ≤-12dB (advanced stage glaucoma) in Group 3. The relationship between measured Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) values and VF values has been examined. In addition, patients in each group were com­pared among groups by calculating the average optic nerve head (ONH) and retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) thickness measured by OCT with the stage of glaucoma and the relationship between RNFL thickness values was examined. 2 dB increase in MD and 20 microns thinning in Avg Thickness have been accepted as a progression and OCT in VF progression rates were calculated. Results: There was a strong relationship between VF MD index and OCT Smax/Tavg, Imax/Tavg, Smax/Navg, Max-Min, Smax, Imax, Savg, Iavg, Avgthick, RA, RCSA, RV, CA, CV, CDHR, CDVR, CDAR parameters. Significant correlation between the parameters of VF PSD index and OCT and Smax / Imax, Max-Min, Smax, Imax, Savg, Iavg, Avgthick, DA, RA, RCSA, RV, CA, CV, CDHR, CDVR, CDAR were found statistically. Also there were statistically significant differences in RNFL thickness be­tween sub-groups of POAG in our study. The average RNFL thickness decreased with increasing stage of glaucoma. To in­vestigate the progression, first and last measurements of VF and OCT parameters were compared in all patients. VF and OCT progression was found in 25% and 29,6% of patients respec­tively. In 4,6% of patients OCT progression observed without VF progression. Conclusion: There was a strong correlation between indices of VF and OCT measurements. OCT RNFL thickness in the moni­toring of early progression in glaucoma are promising in terms of providing follow-up of glaucoma because it detects early signs before VF analysis. Key words: Glaucoma, visual field, optical coherence tomog­raphy

Authors and Affiliations

Birgül Dursun, Selahattin Keklikçi, Mehmet Dursun, Mine Yıldırım, Seyfettin Erdem


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  • EP ID EP159682
  • DOI 10.5798/diclemedj.0921.2016.03.0711
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How To Cite

Birgül Dursun, Selahattin Keklikçi, Mehmet Dursun, Mine Yıldırım, Seyfettin Erdem (2016). Comparasion of computerized visual field and optical coherence tomography in diagnosis and follow-up of primary open-angle glaucoma. Dicle Tıp Dergisi, 43(3), 441-451.